Waiting On God

Isaiah 40:31 says 'they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk, and not faint.'

This promise of God in our Holy Bible holds so much in the way of hope. It reveals God's character, His power to help us through those times when waiting can be really difficult. It is hard to wait and trust, but it is so necessary that we rely on His promises in order to see His plan for our lives come to pass.

We know in our spirit how it feels to be doing things that are not pleasing to Him. Faith is what pleases Him. The word says that 'obedience is better than sacrifice' and we know that waiting obediently for a specific promise to come to pass is what He requires. It is the highest form of faith, and although patience is not easy in the waiting process, it is a necessity.

I always seem to notice how He speaks, whether it be me hearing from Him, or Him speaking through something I see throughout my day right at that perfect moment when I need to see it.... for example... I was thinking about a certain situation in my life, thinking that the situation seemed to be dead. I had been feeling a little discouraged about that situation... but the next thing I know, I see that someone posted a simple message that said ''It is still going to happen ~ Love: God!'' WOW. 

Being aware of our thoughts that go against what He has already promised us, and standing against those thoughts with His word is what is necessary to see that promise come to pass.

Believing it even when we don't see it in the natural, for the bible says ''we walk by faith, not by sight!''

We have to always know and remember that we serve a SUPERNATURAL God! There is nothing too hard for Him!!!

So when this blog states that we are FULLY RELYING ON GOD... we mean it... in every aspect of our lives we must lean on Him, knowing that He always shows up.... sometimes at the last mili-second, but He still always shows up. He will never leave us or forsake us. And He is definitely with us to strengthen us in the wait....
