
Obedience to the Holy Spirit is one of the most important things. We don't know what He will do when we allow Him to lead. That means in all circumstances, even when it doesn't feel comfortable, we need to be fully aware of what He is asking us to do, and do it!
I've been walking with Him now for 6 years. I didn't always know what it felt like to be doing or saying something that He didn't want me to do, but I sure do now! It feels like something is off-balance. It feels like warfare....
One of the main things that I have learned is not to let anyone tell you that you need to go one way, when the Lord is clearly saying "don't do that!" When something doesn't sit well in our spirit, there's a reason for it... because it's not His will or plan that you get involved in that thing or situation.
Since I have worked mostly alone with Him in these blogs, the magazine He has trusted me with, and the radio, I am usually 99% on what He will have me to do. So anything that He is saying no to, it is very clear to me that it's a no.
His no is not denial. His no is "wait" because He either wants you to have or do that at a later date, or He wants to give you something better. It's very important to stay in prayer and consistent communion with Him.
People will steer you in the wrong direction most of the time, and it's very important to say no to them when He says no to you. 
If He has never led you to do something before, and someone is trying to lead you there, chances are He will say "you can go.. .I gave you free will...but I'm not going with you!"
I am always reminded of a part in the book of Joshua, where these men come to him and they say they came from a far away land. They looked like they had walked for miles and their shoes were dirty. Joshua agreed that these men would stay with them, but little did he know that the men were from among them.
The bible says that Joshua did not consult the Lord.
Because he did not consult the Lord on the matter, he ended up fighting a lot of battles and getting into situations that caused them trouble, wasting time, energy and resources on something that God never intended for them in the first place.
I never want to go down roads He doesn't want me to go down.
God's promise is this “if you carefully obey his voice and do all that He says, then He will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries." - Exodus 23:22
Obedience is key. Pray without ceasing! You will always know which way He wants you to go... and also which way He doesn't. His will be done in our lives!

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